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We show the following Matches scheduled as of Sunday, January 26th, 2025 at 3:48am PST. Note that this result IS subject to change as additional Matches are received by QuadCo from requesting Organizations.

660571/26/20251:15 pmYouthU09South Sound Stadium ABlackhills FC G16 Black AValor Soccer - G16 Premier GoldRef:Accept
661261/26/202511:45 amYouthU13South Sound StadiumBlackhills FC B12 Black AEastside FC B12 Red RLRef:Accept AR1:Accept AR2:Accept
660481/26/20252:30 pmYouthU16South Sound StadiumBlackhills FC B09 Black ACascade FC B09 GreenRef:Accept AR1:Accept AR2:Accept
660561/26/202512:00 pmYouthU16RAC #1Blackhills FC G09 Black AWhatcom FC Rangers G09 GoldRef:Accept AR1:Accept AR2:Accept
660581/26/20252:00 pmYouthU17RAC #1Blackhills FC B08 Black APacNW B08 Blue BRef:Accept AR1:Accept AR2:Accept
660141/26/202512:00 pmYouthU16Timberline HSTC United B09 Navy - CampbellSparta Tacoma B09 WhiteRef:Accept AR1:Accept AR2:Accept
658251/28/20256:30 pmAdult45+RAC #1Kenny's KrewRoad WarriorsRef:Accept
658261/28/20258:05 pmAdult45+RAC #1MaraudersRoguesRef:Accept
659141/28/20256:00 pmAdult30+Tenino HSOly MolyOld GrowthRef:Accept
659151/28/20257:40 pmAdult30+Tenino HSOld JoesUnicornsRef:Open
Displayed 1 to 10 of 129 right1rightend