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We show the following Matches scheduled as of Thursday, September 19th, 2024 at 7:36pm PDT. Note that this result IS subject to change as additional Matches are received by QuadCo from requesting Organizations.

641129/21/202410:30 amYouthU09William Bush Park #2CBSC CheetahsRYSC RaptorsRef:Open Mtr:Open
641139/21/202410:45 amYouthU09Capital SF #5OUSC Screaming NachosTSC RaptorsRef:Accept Mtr:Open
641279/21/202412:00 pmYouthU09Longmire U9PSC AmbushOUSC Red DragonsRef:Accept Mtr:Open
641569/21/20241:45 pmYouthU09Capital SF #5OUSC Chelsea OystersPSC Big RigsRef:Unconfirmed Mtr:Open
640829/21/20249:00 amYouthU09Longmire U9PSC Sky BisonsCBSC Space UnicornsRef:Accept Mtr:Open
640889/21/20249:00 amYouthU09Tenino MS #2TeYSC Lightning BugsPSC Unicorn UnitedRef:Open Mtr:Open
640959/21/202410:30 amYouthU09Capital SF #4OUSC Big ReputationRYSC GU09Ref:Accept Mtr:Open
641019/21/202410:30 amYouthU09Lakepointe #2CBSC Lightning StormOUSC Mighty MermaidsRef:Accept Mtr:Open
641189/21/202412:00 pmYouthU09Capital SF #4OUSC Purple JaguarsCBSC Black MambasRef:Accept Mtr:Open
641259/21/202412:00 pmYouthU09Lakepointe #2CBSC Pink Electric CheetahsOUSC CobrasRef:Open Mtr:Open
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