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We show the following Matches scheduled as of Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 at 9:27pm PDT. Note that this result IS subject to change as additional Matches are received by QuadCo from requesting Organizations.

6456110/26/20249:00 amYouthU08Thornbury Mod #3CBSC Ninja SharksCBSC Kicking KangaroosMtr:Open
6458210/26/202410:30 amYouthU08Thornbury Mod #2CBSC Fire DragonsOUSC Washington WarriorsMtr:Open
6458310/26/202410:30 amYouthU08Thornbury Mod #3TSC Red DragonsOUSC HornetsMtr:Open
6460010/26/202412:00 pmYouthU08Longmire U8PSC BlugoldsCBSC Fireball FoxesRef:Accept Mtr:Open
6460910/26/202412:00 pmYouthU08Thornbury Mod #1TSC FootlooseRYSC BU08Mtr:Open
6461010/26/202412:00 pmYouthU08Thornbury Mod #2CBSC Bull SharksPSC Flying LemursMtr:Open
6462210/26/20241:30 pmYouthU08Longmire U8PSC Prairie PythonsOUSC KingRef:Accept Mtr:Open
6462510/26/20241:30 pmYouthU08Tenino MS #1TeYSC Tenino StrikersOUSC Blueberry BearsRef:Open Mtr:Open
6462810/26/20241:30 pmYouthU08Thornbury Mod #3CBSC Black PanthersCBSC BooneMtr:Open
6456010/26/20249:00 amYouthU08Thornbury Mod #2CBSC SoundWavesCBSC Blue NarwhalsMtr:Open
leftendleft1 Displayed 881 to 890 of 996 right1rightend