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We show the following Matches scheduled as of Monday, September 23rd, 2024 at 11:27pm PDT. Note that this result IS subject to change as additional Matches are received by QuadCo from requesting Organizations.

6439110/12/202410:30 amYouthU08Thornbury Mod #3CBSC Kicking KangaroosOUSC Blueberry BearsMtr:Open
6440910/12/202412:00 pmYouthU08Longmire U8PSC Flying LemursCBSC Fire DragonsRef:Accept Mtr:Open
6441910/12/202412:00 pmYouthU08Thornbury Mod #1CBSC Fireball FoxesPSC Prairie PythonsMtr:Open
6442010/12/202412:00 pmYouthU08Thornbury Mod #2CBSC Ninja SharksRYSC BU08Mtr:Open
6443910/12/20241:30 pmYouthU08Thornbury Mod #2CBSC Black PanthersOUSC HornetsMtr:Open
6436910/12/20249:00 amYouthU08Thornbury Mod #2CBSC SoundWavesCBSC Ice DragonsMtr:Open
6437010/12/20249:00 amYouthU08Thornbury Mod #3TSC Fire FlamesCBSC Blue NarwhalsMtr:Open
6442110/12/202412:00 pmYouthU08Thornbury Mod #3OUSC Rip TideRYSC FirefliesMtr:Open
6443310/12/20241:30 pmYouthU08Longmire U8PSC TwistersPSC TigersRef:Accept Mtr:Open
6444010/12/20241:30 pmYouthU08Thornbury Mod #3OUSC DolphinsOUSC TigersMtr:Open
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