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We show the following Matches scheduled as of Thursday, September 19th, 2024 at 5:49pm PDT. Note that this result IS subject to change as additional Matches are received by QuadCo from requesting Organizations.

650779/19/20246:00 pmYouthU10Stan Hedwall Mod #01Toro DumpstersBlack TigersRef:Accept
650789/19/20246:00 pmYouthU10Mossyrock HSACP HaulingWright EnterprisesRef:Accept
650799/19/20246:00 pmYouthU10Woodard Rd FieldNapavineDavid Nakano Logging and ConstructionRef:Open
650809/19/20246:00 pmYouthU10Ft Borst Pk - Pioneer #1Pacific MobileMike White DDSRef:Open
650819/19/20246:00 pmYouthU10Ft Borst Pk - Pioneer #5Toutle Motorsports ParkToledo Market FreshRef:Accept
650829/19/20246:00 pmYouthU10Toledo HSWallace RockLewis County CollisonRef:Accept
650859/19/20246:00 pmYouthU10Onalaska HSThe Rogue FlowerSalon LoganRef:Open
650849/19/20246:00 pmYouthU12Stan Hedwall Park #4ThorbeckesRogerson ElectricRef:Accept AR1:Accept AR2:Open
637019/19/20246:00 pmAdultOpenRAC #1PiratesStill Hittin' ItRef:Accept
637029/19/20247:40 pmAdultOpenRAC #1Azul FoolsAverage JoesRef:Accept
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