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We show the following Matches scheduled as of Thursday, September 19th, 2024 at 10:56pm PDT. Note that this result IS subject to change as additional Matches are received by QuadCo from requesting Organizations.

6454110/26/20249:00 amYouthU09Capital SF #4TSC StingraysOUSC Red DragonsMtr:Open
6454610/26/20249:00 amYouthU09Lakepointe #4CBSC Fire HawksOUSC Green DemonsMtr:Open
6454710/26/20249:00 amYouthU09Pioneer Park #1AOUSC Screaming NachosCBSC HawksMtr:Open
6454810/26/20249:00 amYouthU09Pioneer Park #1BCBSC CheetahsTSC RaptorsMtr:Open
6456610/26/202410:30 amYouthU09Capital SF #4OUSC DarkstalkersPSC Big RigsMtr:Open
6457910/26/202410:30 amYouthU09Tenino MS #2TeYSC Lightning StrikersCBSC Iron DragonsRef:Open Mtr:Open
6459710/26/202412:00 pmYouthU09Hoss Field #2RYSC Lightning KrakensOUSC FoxesRef:Open Mtr:Open
6460110/26/202412:00 pmYouthU09Longmire U9PSC EaglesOUSC Chelsea OystersRef:Accept Mtr:Open
6460310/26/202412:00 pmYouthU09Pioneer Park #1BOUSC VipersCBSC King CobrasMtr:Open
6462110/26/20241:30 pmYouthU09Hoss Field #2RYSC RaptorsCBSC Tiger SharksRef:Open Mtr:Open
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